Welcome to ElginOutboard.com – Dedicated to all the Models of Green Elgins 1946 – 1956.
We now have Elgin parts motors from 1948 - 1954 in 5 to 7.5 Hp sizes. Click here to Email us for your parts needs. If your Elgin is not currently listed on this site, please Email with your model number. West Bend made Elgin model numbers are always 571.58XXX or 571.59XXX. We do not have any parts books for the McCulloch and Scott made Elgins which have model numbers 574.XXXXXX.
For copies of parts books and shop repair manuals for any Elgin model 1946 – 1960 Click here .
In addition we now have West Bend outboard parts catalogs from the 1950s and 1960s – 2Hp. to 80Hp.
For copies please email us giving West Bend Model number.